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  • Delwar Jahid, S. · Commissioner of Oath in & for the Province of Alberta and Saskachewan
  •  Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA) · Promoter of Bangladeshi Culture and Heritage in and around Edmonton
  • Bangladesh PressClub Centre of Alberta (BPCA) · Professional Forum for Journalists and Media Associates
  • A Conceptual Perspective of Conflict Management, Book by Delwar Jahid
  • Mahinur Jahid Memorial Foundation (MJMF) · Supporter of Bangladeshi and Canadian Youth
  • Celebration of Mother Language, Culture and Heritage at
  • Shores Canada Ltd. · The producer of classic and online media  with a slightly different touch.
  • Asian News and Views · Bengali online news magazine



Edmonton, April 14, 2024:

In a ceremony filled with enthusiasm and unity, the Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA) held its Annual Meeting yesterday evening. Chaired by Syfur Hasan, the meeting saw the selection of executives for 2024-2026, greeted with resounding applause from the attendees.

The newly elected executives are as follows:

  • President: Syfur Hasan
  • Vice-President and Treasurer: [Name]
  • General Secretary: Moshiur Rahman
  • Joint General Secretary: Je Rin
  • Member Communications & Organizational Affairs: Rayhana Rasmin
  • Ex-Officio / Honorary Member: Ahsan Ullah

Delwar Jahid, the esteemed Executive Director of the Step to Humanity Association and President of the Bangladesh North American Journalists Network, was the chief guest. In his address, he emphasized the significance of celebrating Bangladeshi heritage and culture abroad, underscoring its vital connection to our identity and its role as a beacon for future generations.

Jahid highlighted the importance of inclusivity, stressing the need to welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a common love for Bangladesh. He also emphasized the importance of organizing events and initiatives that promote cultural awareness, education, and appreciation within and beyond our communities.

During the meeting, a robust advisory committee was formed, with Freedom Fighter Delwar Jahid assuming the role of chief advisor. Joining him on the Board of Advisors are Ahsan Ullah Roni, Mirza Bashir, and Sadik Huda, with Syfur Hasan appointed as Ex-Officio to the Board.

As we navigate the complexities of life in foreign lands, Jahid urged the community never to forget the importance of staying connected to our roots. He called upon everyone to embrace their Bangladeshi heritage with pride and to work together in building associations that serve as beacons of our culture, strength, and unity across the globe.

The event concluded on a note of optimism and unity, with attendees reaffirming their commitment to preserving and promoting Bangladeshi heritage and culture in Alberta and beyond.

For media inquiries, please contact [Name] at [Contact Information].


Addressing Juvenile Delinquency: A Proactive Approach by Governments

By Delwar Jahid

Juvenile delinquency remains a pressing concern globally, prompting governments to devise effective strategies to combat it. Recently, the Cabinet in Bangladesh unveiled crucial measures to tackle this issue, underscoring the gravity of the situation. In an impromptu discussion during a Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Sheik Hasina emphasized the urgency of proactive measures. Deliberations on strategies to address juvenile delinquency were held at the Prime Minister's office, signaling a concerted effort to confront this challenge.


Edmonton (Canada), November 28, 2019: The decision made by UNESCO to celebrate Mujib Borsho (Year) together with Bangladesh is a well-deserved success and a step forward to brand Bangabandhu's Bangladesh throughout the world.

Board President of Bangabandhu's Bangladesh, Executive of the Bangaladesh Muktijudha Sangshad Canada Unit Command and editor of Diverse Edmonton Delwar Jahid issued a commendation to UNESCO and Bangladesh Government for this joint effort of celebrating Mujib Year.

The idea to celebrate Mujib Year from March 17, 2020- March 26, 2021 through various programmes making the birth centenary of Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

UNESCO made the unanimous decision at its 40th general Assembly on November 25 2019 held at UN body's HQ in Paris.

By this decision UNESCO has created an environment of a worldwide observance of Mujib Year to promote multiculturalism, awareness of political culture and diversity.

For the launch of this year theme Jahid proposed Bangabandhu's Bangladesh to be an agenda and appeals for the acknowledgement. Generally, UNESCO reiterates its commitment to diversity and invites its member states to celebrate the day. Jahid urges to the Canadian Federal, provincial, municipal, educational and communities to celebrate the day.

By Dr Aynal Haque

RAJSHAHI, Aug 16, 2015 (BSS)- In the wake of gradually increasing demand and lucrative market price, cultivation of arum has brought smiles on the faces of farmers in Rajshahi region including its vast Barind tract as they are getting good profit by cultivating it on their lands.

Locally known as 'Latiraj', arum is a favourite vegetable of many people.

Arum cultivation has brought fortune for many farmers in the region with its bumper production and high profit this season.

The good arum harvest has been attributed to suitable soil, favourable
weather and necessary help from the local agriculture offices.

A section of farmers in the region have started growing arum commercially as it has become a profitable crop and cultivation costs are low.

The farmers are now cultivating arum on commercial basis. Different
varieties of arum are cultivated in the region. Almost all the varieties are grown in the water-logged areas.

Hazrat Ali, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture Extension said "Arum is an environment-friendly, poison-free and nourishing crop. The agriculture department has been advising farmers on cultivating arum of the high yield variety."

Different varieties of arum are cultivated in the region including white and red colour. Almost all the varieties are grown in the water-logged areas. The cultivation of Latiraj variety is gaining popularity among the farmers as it is about five times more profitable than paddy farming.

As it requires little nursing, the risk of arum cultivation is also little.

Even fertilisers are not necessary for its growth. So, farmers are cultivating arum on a large scale because of high financial return from the crop, he says.

"Latiraj variety of arum is plated early January. The harvest starts in mid-April and the yield continues for eight months till mid-December. A farmer gets 3 to 5 maunds of yield from each decimal of land," said Jahid Hossain, arum grower at Duary village of Paba upazila.

"Over 500 hectares of land for Mukhi Kachu and over 150 hectares for Pani Kachu have been used for cultivation of arum in the district this year. We advise farmers to cultivate Pani Kachu in marshlands where other crops do not grow well. Arum cultivation is increasing here every year, and farmers are

becoming self-reliant," said Ali.

Disappointed over low price of paddy, jute and other crops many farmers of the region became interested in the cultivation of arum and some other vegetables in recent years and its cultivation proved lucrative.

Sazdar Rahman, 47, an arum farmer of Rajabari village of Durgapur, said "I have cultivated arum of the mukhi variety on five bighas of raised land and am expecting bumper production. I planted the arum seed in the third week of January and harvest began in the third week of July."

"The variety grows well on land with good drainage. I am a vegetable farmer,but I have been cultivating arum for some years and getting better profits at lower costs," said Rahman.

He said farmers use only some organic fertiliser during arum cultivation and they do not need to use insecticides. Farmers face few problems in growing this vegetable. Cattle do not eat arum plants and labour is not required to look after it.

Saidur Rahman of Parila under Paba upazila in the district said he
cultivated Taro Arum (Mukhi Kachu or Boi Kachu) and achieved an excellent yield of the crop this season. He said adding that a farmer can get 2-3 maund of Taro Arum from each decimal of land.

Joynal Abedeen of Palpur village in Godagari upazila said, he has cultivated Creeper Arum (Loti Kachu) on two bigha of land this season. He has already

earned Tk 22,000 and is expecting more profit during rest of the season.

"I can buy adequate fresh vegetables including arum from different wholesale markets in Rajshahi city and its outskirts at cheaper cost," said Aminul Islam a trader from Dhaka.

At present 1Kg of Latiraj variety arum sells for Tk18-20 at the local market and the price is expected to double after two to three months. This vegetable is in high demand as it is tastier and more nourishing than all other vegetables.

Dr Khalilur Rahman, Associate Professor of Medicine in Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, described arum as nourishing and tasty vegetable. This vegetable works as a remedy for different diseases, especially diabetics, he claimed.

Fazlur Rahman, Additional Director of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE), said, the farmers of the region are expected to grow huge quantity of arum and other vegetables this year as they prefer cultivating vegetables to other crops. Use of modern technology and quick compost has enhanced the production of vegetables significantly, he added.

Expressing contentment a number of farmers said it was difficult for them to afford the expenses of their family by growing paddy only; but cultivation of arum and other vegetables is now giving them adequate profit to ease their financial constraints.