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Country News

DHAKA, April 7, 2014 (BSS)  Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today once again stressed the need for uninterrupted democracy, saying that economic development of a country is not possible without it.

"I believe that there is no alternative to maintaining democratic trend to ensure desired development of a nation," she said.

 The Prime Minister expressed this view when President of International Trade Union Confederation and Chairman of German Confederation of Trade Union Michael Sommer paid a courtesy call on her at her Jatiya Sangsad Office here this evening.

After the meeting, PM's Special Assistant Mahbubul Hoque Shakil briefed reporters.

Highlighting her government's initiatives for the development of workers, the Prime Minister said wages for the garment workers have been increased to Taka 5,300 from Taka 1,600 side by side with constructing dormitories for them.

She said a separate garment village would be set up to ensure secure working environment for the garment workers.

Putting emphasis on maintaining good relations between workers and employers, she said the owners will be ultimately affected if the workers do not remain in a good state.

She also placed emphasis on increasing the prices of garment products by buyers saying that it will help raise living standard of the workers.

"There is no lacking of sincerity from the government side to raise the wages of the garment workers," she said.

Referring to the Rana Plaza incident, the Prime Minister said after the tragic incident, her government provided allout assistance to the family members of the dead workers as well as the injured persons.

Sheikh Hasina expressed her gratitude to the German government for its assistance in rebuilding the war-ravaged Bangladesh and its socioeconomic development.

She said Awami League always do politics for the welfare of workers and farmers. "Whenever my party comes to power it protects the interests of the farmers and workers," she said.

Michael Sommer expressed satisfaction over appointment of inspectors to garment factories and amendment to the Labour Law in Bangladesh. He also lauded the government's steps after the Rana Plaza collapse.

Michael Sommer mentioned that Germany has tackled the global economic crises due to supportive and participatory relations between the government and trade union bodies.

He said Germany always wants better relation between workers and employers.

The chairman of German Confederation of Trade Union conveyed the German chancellor's greetings to the Prime Minister.

Quoting German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he said there was a necessity of stable situation in Bangladesh and the people are now participating in the democratic process in a stable situation.

The German chancellor expressed her satisfaction over the excellent bilateral relations between the two countries and hoped that it would be further strengthened in the days to come.

Sommer said the German chancellor was highly praised as a woman leader, while the Bangladesh prime minister is also dynamic and visionary people's leader.

He hoped that the relations between the two countries would be further strengthened under their leadership in the years to come.

Ambassador-At-Large M Ziauddin, PM's Principal Secretary Abdus Sobhan Sikdar, German Ambassador to Bangladesh Dr Albrecht Conze and PM\'s Special Assistant Mahbubul Hoque Shakil were present on the occasion.