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  • Delwar Jahid, S. · Commissioner of Oath in & for the Province of Alberta and Saskachewan
  •  Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA) · Promoter of Bangladeshi Culture and Heritage in and around Edmonton
  • Bangladesh PressClub Centre of Alberta (BPCA) · Professional Forum for Journalists and Media Associates
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Country News

SAVAR, Dec 16, 2014 (BSS)- President Abdul Hamid paid rich tributes to the martyrs of Liberation War by placing wreath at the National Memorial here this morning marking the 44th Victory Day.

The President placed the wreath at the altar of the National Mausoleum at 6.34 am. 

After placing the wreath, the President stood in solemn silence for some time as a mark of respect to the memories of the martyrs of the Great War of Liberation of 1971. 

A smartly turned out contingent from Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy and Bangladesh Air Force presented state salute on the occasion when bugles played the last post.

The prime minister, speaker, chief justice, ministers, leader of the opposition in Parliament, state ministers, chiefs of the three services, members of parliament, freedom fighters, diplomats, representatives of different development partners and high civil and military officials, among others, were present. 

President Abdul Hamid also signed the visitor's book kept on the premises of the National Memorial.