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  • Delwar Jahid, S. · Commissioner of Oath in & for the Province of Alberta and Saskachewan
  •  Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA) · Promoter of Bangladeshi Culture and Heritage in and around Edmonton
  • Bangladesh PressClub Centre of Alberta (BPCA) · Professional Forum for Journalists and Media Associates
  • A Conceptual Perspective of Conflict Management, Book by Delwar Jahid
  • Mahinur Jahid Memorial Foundation (MJMF) · Supporter of Bangladeshi and Canadian Youth
  • Celebration of Mother Language, Culture and Heritage at
  • Shores Canada Ltd. · The producer of classic and online media  with a slightly different touch.
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DHAKA, Nov 11, 2014 (BSS) --Law secretary of the ruling Awami League and former law minister, Advocate Abdul Matin Khosru, hailed Major Abdul Gani, founder of the East Bengal Regiment on his 58th death anniversary.

Khosru recalled the great contribution of Major Gani and termed him as a "proud son of the soil". 'And felt the need to familiarize the current generation with his deeds'.

Inspired by the courage of Bengali soldiers during World War II, Major Gani, who was commissioned in the British Indian Army in 1941 pleaded for a separate unit for East Bengal with his commander General Sir Mesarvik.

His untiring efforts finally led to the formation of the East Bengal Regiment on February 15, 1948. Although Gani was no more, the Regiment he founded played a critical role during the Liberation War in 1971.

Major Gani also played a pivotal role in the Language Movement in 1952. Later, he was elected as an independent candidate in the general election of 1954, which was a rare achievement in the backdrop of the United Front's landslide victory.

He died young at the age of 42 in 1957 while on a tour of Germany. Apart from Khosru, others who spoke at the function included former chief of staff and member, BNP standing committee, Lt-General Mahabubur Rahman and Major General Imamuzzaman.