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  • Delwar Jahid, S. · Commissioner of Oath in & for the Province of Alberta and Saskachewan
  •  Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA) · Promoter of Bangladeshi Culture and Heritage in and around Edmonton
  • Bangladesh PressClub Centre of Alberta (BPCA) · Professional Forum for Journalists and Media Associates
  • A Conceptual Perspective of Conflict Management, Book by Delwar Jahid
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  • Shores Canada Ltd. · The producer of classic and online media  with a slightly different touch.
  • Asian News and Views · Bengali online news magazine

Open Discussion

To mark International Women’s Day in Bangladesh, the Embassies and High Commissions of Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the UN Population Fund and UN Women collaborated on a week of events to celebrate the social, political and economic achievements of women internationally and to focus attention on areas requiring further action.

Violence against women is one such issue. Gender violence remains widespread in Bangladesh; a recent study found that 80 percent of women in Bangladesh had experienced some kind of interpersonal violence.

Representatives gather in Dhaka for a press conference

As part of the week’s events, seven women (five ambassadors and two heads of UN agencies), including Canada’s High Commissioner Heather Cruden, performed a reading of Seven, a play that tells the stories of seven woman human rights activists from across the world.

Ms. Wanja Campos da Nobrega, Ambassador of Brazil; Ms. Heather Cruden, High Commissioner of Canada; Ms. Hanne Fugl Eskjær, Ambassador of Denmark; Ms. Merete Lundemo, Ambassador of Norway; Ms. Anneli Lindahl Kenny, Ambassador of Sweden; Ms. Argentina Matavel Piccin, Representative of UNFPA Bangladesh; and Ms. Christine Hunter, Country Representative of UN Women Bangladesh each represented a different activist in the performance.

This was the first performance of the play in Bangladesh. Following the performance, the editor of Prothom Alo, the largest Bengali daily newspaper, offered to have it translated into Bengali.

The readers also participated in a press conference before the performance of the play, which provided an opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements, and to discuss the ways that nations can work together to enhance women’s rights worldwide. 

Heather Cruden and her fellow representatives perform Seven (photo via Embassy of Sweden)

Canada is committed to promoting freedom, democracy, the rule of law, the human rights of women and children, and gender equality. In Bangladesh, Canada is addressing violence against women – with a specific focus on child, early, and forced marriages – through programs in health and education.