DHAKA, Jan 04, 2015 (BSS) - A six-week training programme on "Business Research Methodology" organized by the Bureau of Business Research (BBR) of the Faculty of Business Studies of Dhaka University (DU) began today at the faculty conference room.
Vice-Chancellor of the university, Prof Dr AAMS Arefin Siddique, inaugurated it as chief guest, said a press release.
Chairman of BBR Prof. Dr. Shafique Ahmed Siddique presided over the function while Pro-Vice Chancellor (Admin.) Prof. Dr. Shahid Akhtar Hossain, Treasurer Prof. Dr. Md. Kamaluddin and Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies Prof. Shibli Rubayat-ul-Islam addressed the function as special guests.
Programme Coordinator Prof. Dr. Abbas Ali Khan and BBR Director Prof. Dr. Belayet Hossain gave the welcome speech.
A total of 40 teachers, scholars from various public and private universities, colleges and NGO's including Dhaka University are taking part in it.
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Training on Business Research Methodology held in DU
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