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DHAKA, May 11, 2015 (BSS) - German ambassador to Bangladesh Dr Thomas Prinz called on Dhaka University (DU) Vice-Chancellor Professor AAMS Arefin Siddique at his office today. 

Marie Kretzschmar, DAAD Lecturer of the Department of German, Institute of Modern Languages of Dhaka University was present on the occasion.

During the meeting they discussed various aspects of bilateral issues in the fields of education, science and technologies, economics and international trades. 

They opined that through academic exchange programmes among DU and German universities students and researchers can be exposed of various educational and cultural experiences which would contribute to enhance their academic excellence. 

Thus, students would become global citizens to serve their home countries and other countries in a significant way. 

Prof Siddique thanked the German ambassador for his visit to Dhaka University. 

He said that Bangladesh considers Germany as an important partner in the fields of education, science and technology, economic growth and bilateral trades. 

He urged the ambassador to take necessary initiatives to make functioning of the Bangabandhu Chair which has been set up earlier at the Institute of South Asian Studies of Heidelberg University, Germany.